Scope of Activities

Scope of activities

Practicing ESG management

The Group strives to contribute to the progression of society while achieving continuing existence by meeting our Corporate Social Responsibility. The Group has built a foundation for meeting its Corporate Social Responsibility as part of its CSR management.Lately, we have conducted relevant activities as part of our ESG management, being highly rated by external evaluation for our performance of the activities from the perspective of ESG (environment, society and governance). In the future, we will offer solutions to social problems with our technologies to achieve a sustainable society, which the international community jointly aims to realize, through our businesses and operational activities.

Governance Structure for Sustainability

The Management Council and other executive meeting bodies deliberate sustainability-related risks and opportunities surrounding the Company and measures against them, and major issues are proposed or reported to the Board of Directors. In addition, implementing measures against the sustainability issues is delegated from the management to the implementation entities through various internal committees.

Risk Management for Sustainability

The Risk Management Company-wide Promotion Committee chaired by President & CEO leads the company-wide risk management process, where we analyze a wide variety of risks surrounding management and address events that will significantly impact our business.
The major risks and opportunities related to sustainability, such as climate change and human capital, are identified and assessed by the sections responsible for relevant risk categories at the meeting bodies, and then the response policy is deliberated and determined.

IBIDEN Group and the SDGs

In September 2015, the "Transforming our world: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In this agenda, the "SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals," which comprise 17 goals and 169 targets, were formulated. We believe that to positively contribute to achieving the SDGs through its businesses is a mission that IBIDEN should fulfill for society based on the Corporate Philosophy.
We will tackle social problems faced by our society, with our innovative technologies evolved from and combined with the core technologies of the Group, through responsible corporate activities in harmony with human life and the global environment, thereby contributing to the achievement of the SDGs.

Contribution through cultivated technological expertise

As a corporate group oriented toward technology development, IBIDEN Group is dedicated to making contributions to the achievement of the SDGs through its technological expertise, in the environment and other areas. Our primary focus aligns with SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure. In the Electronics Operation, we are committed to driving global digital innovation by supplying cutting-edge electronic components that enhance access to information and communication technology, ultimately enrich people's lives around the world.

Contribution through basic activities

Our mission clearly specifies "with respect for both individuals and the global environment" at the beginning. We energize the workforce that support our business and revitalize our corporate culture. Simultaneously, we are making every effort to minimize the impact on the global environment through our business activities. We will focus on revitalizing our workforce and corporate culture, which includes promoting diversity and ensuring health and safety, and managing greenhouse gas emissions and waste throughout the supply chain.

Key issues and SDGs specifically addressed by the IBIDEN Group

The IBIDEN Group recognizes the important issues it must contribute to through its business environment and medium-term management plan to realize a sustainable society as stated in our Corporate Philosophy. Also, from the perspective of the importance for external stakeholders, such as the expectations and demands that customers, investors, and markets have, we will make contribution by taking on challenges through technology and business activities and strengthening our fundamental activities.

■ Progress of major basic activities that address materiality

Major activities by FY2022
Promotion of diversity (female advancement, etc.) We are developing an environment that is welcoming to diverse human resources through initiatives such as awareness-raising of employees and managers for the promotion of female advancement and accepting human resources from overseas Group Companies using the technical intern program.
Realizing both rewarding work for employees and high productivity In addition to enhancing and raising awareness of programs, such as encouraging male employees to take childcare leave, and developing systematic human resources training programs, we are actively promoting the improvement of productivity by using digital technology.
Safe and secure working environment To prevent industrial accidents, we implement regular patrols by managers and have developed procedures for taking fundamental countermeasures by analyzing the causes and true reasons of accidents when they occur so as to prevent similar accidents from occurring.
Emission control of greenhouse gases To ensure future competitiveness, we have introduced internal carbon pricing and promote energy-saving activities. Our greenhouse gas emissions per unit have improved by approx. 56% compared to FY2017.
Reduction in water usage and thorough control over wastewater Based on the principle of the 3R activities, the environmental technology operations and production technology operations are making concerted efforts to reduce the amount of industrial water use. Our water withdrawal per unit has improved by approx. 16% compared to FY2017.
Control of wastes and chemicals Industrial waste is separated thoroughly at each plant and Group Company for recycling. Chemical substances are managed by establishing procedures for obtaining information on controlled substances from suppliers.

*Detailed data are available in "ESG data."

Dialogue and Cooperation with Stakeholders

Since its operations began as a hydroelectric power generation business that provided electricity to the community, the IBIDEN Group has won the support of all residents in the community as well as many other people. We continue to look for opportunities to communicate with our stakeholders to thoroughly understand the expectations and demands that they have concerning the Group.

■ Example of Communication (As of March 31, 2023)

StakeholdersExample of Communication
Employees Employees at our 35 Group companies (consolidated), both in Japan and abroad, number 12,744. Labor and Management Committee, Training and development, Appraisal interview, Health and Safety Committee, Compliance counter
Customers We contribute grounded in innovation technology, by offering diverse, high quality products, from electronic components to ceramic and building materials. Improvement of customer satisfaction, Provision of ESG information, Code of conduct audit
Suppliers The group operates businesses in Japan and abroad and conducts procurement from numerous suppliers. ESG briefing for suppliers, Health & Safety Promotion Meeting, CSR survey and audit, Compliance counter for supplier
Local communities IBIDEN conducts global corporate citizen activities that suit the culture and climate of each country and region at 16 countries around the world. Regular exchanges with community associations,
Social contribution activities
Shareholders /Investors IBIDEN has about 140 million issued shares, with a total of 31,969 shareholders. General meetings of shareholders Investor briefings, Response to ESG research

* Details of the above communication examples with stakeholders and collaborative efforts with other industry groups are introduced on related web pages such as "Harmony with Nature (Environmental Initiatives)" and "Human Resources Management".