Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Basic Policy

Based on the IBIDEN WAY, we prioritize safety in all our activities, and achieve harmony between "operation" and "health and safety" with the fundamental rule to minimize the risk that may affect the life and health of person participating to IBIDEN's operations.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy(July 16th, 2024, eighth edition)

  1. We will foster a health and safety culture in which all employees can work safely, securely, and vigorously.
  2. We will identify the sources of risks associated with each process in our corporate activities and take steps to prevent labor accidents and illnesses. We will strive to assess and reduce the risks and to maintain and enhance the physical and mental health of our employees.
  3. We will comply with laws and regulations relating to occupational health and safety and with other recognized requirements.
  4. We will operate an occupational health and safety management system to ensure that every employee acts on his/her own initiative with the understanding of our occupational health and safety policy and to make continued improvements to attain our occupational health and safety purposes and goals.
  5. We will make this occupational health and safety policy public and push forward with our efforts in concert with subcontractors, suppliers and other stakeholders.

President& CEO

Organization of Occupational Health and Safety Management

The Group has appointed an environment/health and safety manager under the officer in charge (Executive Director of Quality, Engineering, and Production), and has established an occupational health and safety management system centered around each Plant Manager.
Held at least once a year with the participation of the Chairman of the Board, the President & CEO, the Executive Vice President, the Senior Executive Officer, the presidents of affiliated companies, and the chairperson of the labor union and so on, the Company-wide Environment/Health and Safety Committee meetings are aimed at confirming the purposes of company-wide activities and the progress toward the goals, and oversees Company-wide occupational health and safety management. Meetings of the Company-wide Zero Accident Committee, held monthly, are attended by each Plant Manager, management persons responsible at the division and for promoting health and safety, and the president of affiliated companies. The Committee functions as a place for establishing common ground in order to implement the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle of activities of the entire IBIDEN Group. The information of these committees is disseminated from committee meetings held at each plant to safety circles of workplaces (small group activities) in which all employees participate.
Also, we have promoted the application of the Occupational Health and Safety Management Policy to all workers such as on-site contractors who work at plants and construction contractors, and advance safety and health management activities in one united body. Through workshops, such as the "IBIDEN Safety & Health Promotion Meeting for Contractors," we share information and exchange opinions about laws and regulations concerning health and safety as well as the in-house standards of the Company and on-site working rules with contractors to promote the creation of a working environment with no work-related accidents.

Basic activities and Specialized activities of Occupational Health and Safety

As part of the basic activities intended to develop a corporate climate in which the top priority is always placed on health & safety and compliance with laws and regulations, we have continued to engage in "Workplace Safety Circles' Activities," "Safety Patrol," and "Raising Awareness through Safety Education."
We are providing safety education in a systematic way, so that all employees can take the relevant training. In FY2023, we updated our hazard simulation safety training. We are providing many more training opportunities by offering on-site training at each plant so that all employees working there can experience hazard simulations. (FY2023 targeted people and results: A total of 1,779 IBIDEN domestic Group employees received the hazard simulation safety training.) In addition, we have introduced a system that uses virtual reality (VR) technology to allow employees to experience simulated dangerous situations. We provide VR-based hazard simulation safety training to all employees in Japan and overseas. (FY2023 targeted people and results: A total of 4,461 IBIDEN Group employees received the VR hazard simulation safety training.)
We also provide employees assigned to a new workplace with overall education designed for newly appointed personnel, including health and safety education. Furthermore, we offer special education on health and safety to employees involved in hazardous operations (FY2023 targeted people and results: A total of 209 IBIDEN Group employees received education designed for newly appointed personnel; a total of 2,670 IBIDEN Group employees received special education.)The Workplace Safety Circles, in which all workers working in the premises of IBIDEN participate, promote raising awareness of safety through repetitive learning of safety confirmation points in the workplace and risk prediction training.
As part of our specialized activities, we have reduced risks by assessing the equipment and operations with thorough implementation of the Operational Safety and Environment Assessment, which is a mechanism of safety design, legal compliance, and completion tests, and the Health and Safety Risk Assessment, which targets all sites. In addition, when starting up a new plant or introducing new equipment, we confirm safety concerns and matters to comply with laws and regulations at the capital investment proposal stage and conduct a safety risk assessment before commencing operations.

Occurrence of work-related accidents

Our group aims to achieve zero serious accidents as a medium-term goal and a frequency rate of occupational accidents of 0.10 or less. With a goal of zero major accidents, the Group focuses on "Reducing the number of recurrences of occupational accidents to zero," and "Preventing new occupational accidents" as pillars of our occupational health and safety activities to enable all employees to work with high spirits and establish a safe and comfortable workplace across the IBIDEN Group, with employee awareness of the "Safety First" policy. As a result, all the employee of the Group, including its contractors, continued to experience no fatal accidents or major accidents resulting in disabilities in FY2023. Also, the occupational accident frequency rate of the Group in FY2023 is 0.35, this level is lower than the average in the all industry throughout Japan.In the event of an occupational accident, we ensure that the necessary measures are implemented swiftly, such as contacting the relevant supervisors and workplaces and making efforts to prevent secondary accidents, in accordance with the IBIDEN Safety, Health, and Environmental Standards.
For accidents that occurred in the Group, the manager of the department in which the accident occurred analyzes the causes and true reasons of the accident as well as formulating recurrence prevention measures. We ensure that the measures are fundamental by conducting risk assessment to see if new risks arise due to the prevention measures. We are also making efforts to strengthen our management so as to prevent similar accidents from occurring within the Group by disseminating information on accidents that have occurred and applying the countermeasures to other departments through committees and workplace safety circles (small groups).

Occupational accident frequency rate**

*This indicates the number of work-related injury or death cases (equivalent to or more serious than cases of occupational accidents resulting in lost workdays) among a total of 1 million actual working hours.

Health Management Declaration

IBIDEN Group Health Management Declaration

Our Group place importance on physical and mental health of each employee. To support employees for their health promotion through active development of activities focusing on prevention, the IBIDEN Group Health Management Declaration was established in 2017 through the president & CEO's initiation.

IBIDEN Group Health Management Declaration

Under the Corporate Philosophy of "Respect for both Individuals and the Global Environment," IBIDEN Group actively provides support for each employee's health promotion.
IBIDEN Group aims to contribute to the realization of the progression of society through its continued sound growth with its all employees working in the premises vigorously playing active roles in good physical and mental health.

New Stage of Health 115 Plan

While the "The second term of the National Health Promotion Movement in the 21st Century (Health Japan 21 (the second term))" is being promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Company as well as its domestic Group Companies have been encouraging health maintenance and the promotion of officers and employees by formulating the " New Stage of Health 115 Plan," the five-year plan from FY2023 to FY2027.
Every five years we develop our medium-term plan and define health action items and their execution details, which we then communicate to and raise awareness of among officers and employees through the Health and Safety Committee, etc. at each plant.
To create a working environment that allows employees to work positively and vigorously, we work on to improve their physical and mental health.

Promoting Health and Productivity Management*

Our group believes that the physical and mental health of each and every employee constitutes the basis for supporting the Group's competitiveness, and actively helps employees maintain good health.
Having established, as a promoting structure, the Health Subcommittee, which consists of the Health Management Promotion Center (industrial physicians, public health Nurses), Labor Union, Health Insurance Society, Environment, Health and Safety Division, Human Resources Division, and full-time staff for health promotion at plants, the Group actively provides employees with information for and raise their awareness of their health promotion and management.
To enable each employee to maintain and improve their physical and mental health, we will powerfully promote the following three activities of importance:

(1)Improve the rate of habituation of exercise
(2)Decrease smoking rate
(3)Wellness Challenge

As measures to support employees' mental health, the employees, workplaces, the Health Management Promotion Center, and Human Resources respectively play their roles, and use external resources for the prevention and treatment of mental health issues.

*: Registered trademark of the Workshop for the Management of Health on Company and Employee


We have summarized the initiatives and achievements by the Company and domestic Group Companies toward enhancing the physical and mental health of employees in the Health Management Report (domestic only). Information is shared with employees with the aim of raising awareness and vitalizing activities further.