Disclosure Policy
Basic Criteria
The Company's Disclosure Policy is in accordance with Tokyo Stock Exchange's Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information (Timely Disclosure Rules).
Disclosure items are as follows:
- Matters pertaining to management, business operation or property of the Company that exert a significant influence on investment judgment of investors.
- Information regarding management decisions.
- Information regarding other events affecting the company.
- Earnings-related Information.
- Changes or cancellations, etc. of previously disclosed significant information of the Company.
In addition to the disclosure items indicated above, it is the Company's policy to proactively and fairly disclose any information deemed to be important for investment judgment.
Information Disclosure Methods
The Company's information is available to the public on the information disclosure systems of all the stock exchanges where the Company is listed. In principle, the information that is disclosed publicly will be made immediately available on the Company's website. However, owing to various factors concerning files, posting of the information on the Company's website may be delayed.
In regard to the disclosure of information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company endeavors to publish such information as quickly and as accurately as possible in an appropriate manner.
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Notes on Utilization of Information
Forward-looking Statements
The information on this website contains forward-looking statements that are based on the Company's assumptions and judgments, in addition to past and present facts. These forward-looking statements may differ greatly from actual business operations and results, depending on such factors as the economic climate, product demand and rapid technological innovation. Therefore, we recommend that investors considering the Company should not base their investment decisions solely on these forward-looking statements.
Silent Periods
In order to prevent the outflow or leakage of information that could influence the Company's stock price, no questions relating to financial results will be answered during the silent period between quarterly settlement date and the day on which the quarterly results are announced. We would appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.
In some cases, information that has already been disclosed by the Company may not be available on this website. In addition, in some cases, information previously disclosed may not be expressed in exactly the same manner. You are requested to bear these points in mind when using the information on this website.